Assessment & Evaluation
On-going assessment and evaluation will occur throughout the in-person and online training. Participants are encouraged to build on their own self-observations and observations from others in their shared learning environment. Final progress and evaluation to complete the ACTP will also be conducted in this sensitive and transparent way to develop curiosity and deepen learning.

Attendance & Certification
A hard copy certificate signed jointly by Saima Butt, MBA, MCC and Olos Institute will be issued on the successful completion of all aspects of the Strategies for Success ICF Accredited Coach Training Programme (ACTP). An electronic copy will also be made available after successful completion upon your request.

The ACTP consists of 147+ hours in total of which:

  • one hundred and twelve (112) hours are in-person coach training
  • fifteen (15) hours are virtual mentor coaching and
  • twenty hours plus (20+) of course work

On the rare occasion that a participant does not complete all the hours required by this ACTP concessions will be made on an individual basis. The following is ONLY a guide:

  • 135+ hours successful completion of all aspects of the programme will receive an Accredited Coach Training Programme (ACTP) certificate
  • 60+ hours successful completion of the programme will be considered on an individual basis, depending on assessment, may receive an Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) certificate
  • All hours successfully completed of the programme will be considered on an individual basis, depending on evaluation, may receive a Continuing Coach Education (CCE) certificate

Olos Institute invites participants to speak with them at their earliest convenience so that any potential situations arising relating to hours and training missed can be mutually and safely resolved.

Please contact Dragana in writing at if you wish to discuss any aspects of this policy.