Building awareness of your perspectives and practice to what matters in our shared world
This virtual coach training is accredited by the ICF with 12 CCEU (Continuing Coach Education Units) and your certificate will reflect the hours you attend. It is designed for coaches who have already completed an accredited/approved coach training programme. Although focusing on how we can embody a coaching mindset we will be covering other core competencies along the way. So…
- Are you already using coaching skills as a part of your leadership style and want to strengthen your coaching mindset in developing your skills further in the company of other experienced coaches?
- Are you thinking about how else you can deepen your coaching skills in service of your work?
- Do you want to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of the ICF Core Competency “Embodies a Coaching Mindset”?
- Are you a coach and would like to extend your knowledge and experience and are looking for training that counts towards Continuing Coach Education (CCE)?
We are inviting you to join us in this virtual coach training which will take place on Thursdays of 10, 17, 24 and 31 March 2022 via the Zoom app, each session will run from 17:00 - 20:15 CET.
What would it take for each of us to know and feel like we belonged? Accepted for who we are and how we show up. Being wholeheartedly included in all the systems we are connected to. Imagine being in this place for yourself and what that would mean for you. What could become possible from your strengths and skills standing in this place of being seen, heard, respected, and valued?
Coaching, through the lens of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), stands for humanity flourishing yet how do we flourish as coaches unless we are competent and comfortable appreciating our own self-awareness and cultural identity.
This virtual coach training offers an introspection into who the coach is and their responsibility & accountability for upholding the potential impact for making a profound difference in the conversations we have.
The coach training will include and is not exclusive to:
- Personal preparation before, during and after coaching
- Describing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Social Justice and Belonging
- Being aware of intent and impact
- Deepening insights from Compassion & Mindfulness
- Being aware of conscious and unconscious bias
- Notice our blind spots and how this might make a difference to our coaching relationships
- Developing a shared common language from which to have safe/respectful/challenging discussions on:
- Ethnicity / Racial / Cultural ID
- Levels of Oppression > from individual to institutional/national
- Privilege
There will be an iterative process to these specific subjects to deepen the level of learning, understanding, sharing, and coaching practicing. If we, as coaches, can have these conversations for ourselves it amplifies and accelerates the dialogue, we might have with our clients to advance social system change and ultimately humanity thriving.
Training Outcomes
- Understanding power of a reflective practice
- Evoking awareness of self and other’s identity
- Acknowledging the client/customer as a whole (alongside their identity, their environment, experiences, values and beliefs)
- Creating an equitable, inclusive, and accepting coaching practice
Target Audience & Format This virtual coach training is designed for established / trained coaches who would want to supplement their training with the updated ICF competency #2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset.
The structure and intent of the training is to highlight the benefits of:
(A) ICF Competency #2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Develops and maintains a mindset that is open, curious, flexible, and client-centered
- Acknowledges that clients are responsible for their own choices
- Engages in ongoing learning and development as a coach
- Develops an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one’s coaching
- Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and culture on self and others
- Uses awareness of self and one’s intuition to benefit clients
- Develops and maintains the ability to regulate one’s emotions
- Mentally and emotionally prepares for sessions
- Seeks help from outside sources when necessary
(B) ICF PCC Markers, September 2020
Embodying a coaching mindset—a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and client- centred—is a process that requires ongoing learning and development, establishing a reflective practice, and preparing for sessions. These elements take place over the course of a coach's professional journey and cannot be fully captured in a single moment in time.
This training will be delivered in English throughout.
Training fee and special offers:
Your investment in your professional development is 500 EUR.
VAT is not applied in line with Paragraph 1, Article 94 of Slovenia’s Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1).
Special offers:
- 5 % discount for 2 or 3 participants from one organisation.
- 10% discount for more than 3 participants from one organisation.
To register please fill-in the registration form. Your place in the workshop will be confirmed upon payment.
Account holder: Olos Institute
Account holder address: Podturn pri Dol. Toplicah 17, 8350 Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia
Bank address: Miklošičeva cesta 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Account number: IBAN SI56 6100 0001 3959 908
Reference: ECM & full name of the participant
A full invoice will be issued after the workshop.
Coach Trainer Bio
Saima Butt, (she/her) BSc (Hons), MBA. Change Advantage Ltd, Programme Director & Coach Trainer, Master Certified Coach (MCC) & Certified Mentor Coach (CMC).
For Saima coaching and societal progress are inextricably linked. 20+ years of purposeful practice to connect leaders within private, public and not for profit organisations with the abundance of possibility for all their people and the planet to thrive. Drawn by “commitment & ruthless compassion” in “applying strategic thinking” and “intuitive awareness” Saima delivers her work with lightness and loyalty towards your success. She lives in Oxford, England with her family.
Within ONE ICF she is a past UKICF Board Director, ICF Foundation Inaugural Council Ambassador. Current ICF Foundation Board Treasurer/Trustee and ICF Coaching Education Advisory Committee on Social Justice.
If you have questions relating to this training or the upcoming Accredited Coach Training Programme ACTP please contact info@olosinstitute.si
We look forward to seeing you online soon.